Know Us

rfly after metamorphosis

Remorphing Advisory is a syndicate of world’s finest 1500+ cognoscenti:

  • Retired/ semi-retired CXOs from all functions
  • Academicia from the finest of Ivy league and other institutions and universities
  • Domain experts/ consultants/ practitioners from a complete gamut of specializations

We’re commited to enable individuals, communities, organizations and nations acquire the ability to remorph into whatever aspirations they harbour.


Our Core Beliefs:

We are driven by conviction that means are as vital as ends, maybe more so. Dignity and transparency are of paramount import. Affiliation to process driven interventions founded on empathy and ethicality works the best in the long run.


Our Vision and BHAGs:

Our North Star (to quote Jim Collins, author of Good to Great) is Complete Freedom of all beings on the planet: socially, economically, politically, intellectually, and spiritually.
The BHAGs over next 30 years are to foster Complete Freedom in at least 1% of planet’s population and an 80% Complete Freedom in 3% of the planet’s populace.